Interview Thoughts

Heike Pushbikegirl

Heike made a post where she asks 4 other experienced solo female cyclists about wild camping. Since we are lone women, many people think this is extra dangerous. But the truth is, it is not, at all. On the contrary.

Germany Interview

Casual Conversation (while camera running!)

A couple of months ago, in summer, I met Heike, a German world cyclist whom I know for some years. We got to know each other through social media when I was cycling in India and Heike was somewhere relatively near, perhaps in Oman. Years later we were able to meet.

Germany Paraguay

Update: Cycling’s Ceased

It happens that some don’t know where I am, or wonder where the country I’m cycling through is actually situated, or that I am elsewhere than where some think I am. Confusion all over.


Interview by Heike

Heike is a woman cycling from Germany in the direction of Japan. We met on internet and although she must be incredible busy as a cyclist, she has start interviewing solo woman cycling the world. Here’s the interview she did with me.