
After Effects

What happens with your personality and outlook on life after long term traveling, cycling in particular. A post about coming back ‘home’.

The pro’s and con’s of deciding to live life differently, focusing on a cycling life.

This post focuses on when coming to a halt after long-term cycling. In my case I wanted it to come to a stop, and when yours will end whether willingly or not, you must know that some things will not be the same anymore. You and your outlook may have changed drastically.

I’m not talking about anything shorter than, let’s say, a couple of years cycling around the world -as a once in a lifetime happening- but all that qualifies for a full immersed life on the road where you keep your credit card usage to a minimum, where you live according the seasons and be as basic as a cycling life can go.

The inheritance of solitude II

August 2023. ‘The cat woman with a sharp nose’. Fueled when I felt misunderstood by the different standard of how I prefer living. Incorporated a reminder of my solo 3 year travel from 2007 through, among others, Yemen.

The inheritance of solitude I

August 2022. A write-up not to inspire you -oh, Lord, no- but to make you aware of the possible outcome of traveling long time solo. And also a little bit about to go your own way, to depend on your own gut feeling.


Aim, what is the purpose of it all? (With backpack-overland photos from Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Jordan and Afghanistan.)


Attractor, what attention can do to you. (With photos of elderly women and disabled youth, which was a volunteer job in South India.)


Maintenance, living a simple lifestyle is not less work.


Danger, the world is not what often is being said.

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Being twice to Afghanistan, against negative advice of people who were never there and cycling through Iraq and Nigeria confirmed my dislike against mainstream media once again.

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When you really want to learn a thing or two, head to India: off the tourist trail of course.

Slider Patagonia

There is no such thing as freedom. Freedom is relative and stress always exsists.


Another consequence of having quit cycling will be the great outdoors, in which you suddenly are not anymore. I keep up the essential being out in nature with short tours.

By Cindy

Years of traveling brought me many different insights, philosophies and countries I needed to be (over 90 in total). I lived in Pakistan, went over 15 times to India and when I stopped cycling the world, that was after 50.000 kilometer through 45 countries, I met Geo. Together we now try to be more self-sustainable, grow our own food and live off-grid. I now juggle with the logistics of being an old-fashioned housewife, cook and creative artist loving the outdoors. The pouches I create are for sale on

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