
Snowpeak tea kettle No. 1

This Snowpeak pot is a stainless steel tea kettle and was bought for the sole purpose of having it a spout. Using the plain rimmed MSR Alpine StowAway pot to pour chai was always a mess, with quite some amount of chai lost.

The Snowpeak teakettle No. 1 is able to nest a gas bottle and it’s windscreen. It can be used on any kind of heat source.


  • very lightweight with 284 gram
  • spout
  • removable handle
  • 900 ml size is just sufficient for one person to cook a meal in (rather on the small size)


  • the bottom of the pot is very thin so while preparing a chai you need to stir often as not to have milk sticking to the bottom

Beautiful sleek design that shines so bright when you buy it new that you can use it as a mirror. It is however multi functional as well: I use the kettle as a pot to eat from and (occasionally) as a pot to pee in when it rains too hard to go outside.

I use the kettle only while camping

As a cup for the chai and coffee I use a titanium cup

Chai spice mix I prepare back home

By Cindy

Years of traveling brought me many different insights, philosophies and countries I needed to be (over 90 in total). I lived in Pakistan, went over 15 times to India and when I stopped cycling the world, that was after 50.000 kilometer through 45 countries, I met Geo. Together we now try to be more self-sustainable, grow our own food and live off-grid. I now juggle with the logistics of being an old-fashioned housewife, cook and creative artist loving the outdoors. The pouches I create are for sale on

2 replies on “Snowpeak tea kettle No. 1”

Hi Cindy, This is neither here nor there in relation to your teapot but I’m right now heading out to pick elderflowers to make cordial 😊 Last night we picked some for tea and it was so nice! I’m just now, at 54 years old, discovering the joys of foraging. We are also surrounded by nettle so I’ve already collected and dried some for use in tea and in meals. I’m looking forward to collecting seeds and berries later in the summer. I think that this new to me activity is really making me appreciate where I live (Ireland). Thanks for the tea pot review. I can see myself camped sometime in a beautiful field edge, picking some nettle or elderflower or … for a delicious tea outside. All the best to you!

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Hi there,

I think the elder flower smells so delicious. It’s almost intoxicating. However, I didn’t make cordial this season as I still got some and the sugar amount is so high. Will you use the berries later on in the season as well?

How come you started to have this interest? As for me I think it has to do with the whole selfsustainable living thing. I find it incredible that we lost so much of what our grandparents did automatically.

I don’t know if you live in the countryside, I guess you do, and most people leave it behind and yet, so much is here to use. That was one of the things I noticed when I cycled through the more East European countries: foraging. You even might have coastline where is a lot to be foraged as well.

I used nettle for manure this season. I let it ferment and use the liquid to pour on some plants.

Enjoy the spring of your country!
Thanks for telling me : )


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